Probably most of us know Toffifee. Today we come to you with a proposal of a very protein, easy cake in a slightly healthy and delicious version. A piece of this cake can also be a great snack in the post-workout period and will provide us with a wholesome source of protein.


? 500 g of lean cottage cheese,

? 400 g Greek yoghurt 0%,

? 2 packages of vanilla pudding without sugar,

? 4 egg whites,

? 90 g Activlab protein supplement with Fudge flavor,

? 15 pcs of crushed sweetener,

? 30g dark chocolate 80%,

? 100 g butterscotch mass,

? 50g of biscuits.

We set the oven to 170 degrees and line the baking sheet with baking paper. Beat four egg whites until stiff foam. Add cottage cheese, natural yoghurt, pudding, protein supplement, xylitol to a large bowl and blend until smooth. Gradually add whipped egg whites to our cheese mass and combine them. Place the biscuits on the bottom, pour the whole cheese mass onto the biscuit mold and bake it for about 40 minutes, checking the baking degree with a thin stick in the meantime. Sprinkle the finished cheesecake with grated dark chocolate, pour butterscotch mass on top, which you can mix with boiling water a little. Decorate with the Toffifee.


? calories: 343 kcal,

? protein: 44 g,

? fats: 5 g,

? carbohydrates: 29 g.
